На этой странице вы найдете качественные и проверенные аккорды и текст песни "You'd Better Believe Me", которую исполняет группа Ария. Эти аккорды помогут вам сыграть эту песню на гитаре в домашних условиях или на концерте.
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Dm C They call me an iron snake A# But in the city house All my life in Prison Am Dm Such a fucking feeling - known as well C But i drooped through the walls A# I ran the wind and won All of them are wrong Am A# I feel so handsome and so proud Dm A# Dm You'd better believe me! Then I let them saw the snake My death or my control All the bikes collating I had times to realize that's all Dying now i fell so strange I never felt astray Еуеs and wings By the body get away You'd better believe me! Припев: Em C I never saw the blinding light Am I will be crusified tonight G I've got another wind to ride H7 Em Forgive me bless I will be right C I never saw the blinding light Am I will be crusified tonight G H7 C D Em I've got another wind to ride I was calling for my friend He didnt hear my voice I had got it Moving there to dawning day - I had no choice Life isnt death and death isnt life They are shining only twice Dying is nothing Jesus I was quite there Where sun begins to rise You'd better believe me! Припев
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