
Хелависа — аккорды и текст песни The Brown and the Yellow Ale

Аккорды и текст песни "The Brown and the Yellow Ale" (Хелависа). Проверенные аккорды для гитары. Аппликатуры всех аккордов композиции. Возможность играть в любой тональности.

На этой странице вы найдете качественные и проверенные аккорды и текст песни "The Brown and the Yellow Ale", которую исполняет Хелависа. Аккорды представлены в удобном формате для гитары, что поможет вам легко исполнить эту замечательную песню.

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Кроме аккордов и текста песни "The Brown and the Yellow Ale", здесь есть и другие аккорды песен Хелависа, так что вы можете найти здесь еще много интересного материала для изучения.

          D                            A
Аs I was going down the road one fine morning
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
G        A
I met with a young man without any warning
Hm      G           A
Oh the love of my heart

He asked me if the woman by my side was my daughter
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
When I said she was my wife his manner did not altar
Oh the love of my heart

He asked me if I’d lend her for an hour and a day
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
I said if she thinks it fair you may take her away
Oh the love of my heart

She said you take the high road and I’ll take off with him
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
And we’ll meet again by the ford in the river
Oh the love of my heart

I was waiting by the ford for an hour and a quarter
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
When she came to me ’twas without shame I saw her...
Oh the love of my heart...

When she told me her story I lay down and I died
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
She sent two men out for timber well she never even cried
Oh the love of my heart

А board of alder and a board of holly
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
And two greater yards of a shroud all about me
Oh the the love of my heart

Now if my own little mother had never been a woman
Oh the brown and the yellow ale
I would tale you many’s another tale about women
Oh the love of my heart