На этой странице вы найдете качественные аккорды и текст песни Rasta Song, которую исполняет группа Наив. Эти аккорды проверены музыкантами и подойдут как опытным гитаристам, так и начинающим.
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Em Am It's a world of hashish laughter C D Em And a world of liquor tears Am It's a world of cocaine hopes C H And a world of acid fears Припев: G C There is so much that we share G C And it is time we are aware Am Em It's a small, small, small world war! C D Em It's a small war after all! C D Em It's a small war after all! C H Em It's a small war after all! C H Em C H Em It's a small war... We'll create another moon And we'll burn like golden sun For this world means hatred To everyone! Припев: And the mountains will devide And the oceans will get fried It's a small, small, small world war! It's a small war after all! It's a small war after all! It's a small war after all! It's a small war... C It's a small world for all of us... H It's a small world for all of us... C It's a small world for all of us... H It's a small world war! F#m Hm It's a world of hashish laughter D E F#m And a world of acid fears Hm It's a world of cocaine hopes D C# And a world of liquor tears Припев: A D There is so much that we share A D And it is time we are aware Hm F#m It's a small, small, small world war! D E F#m It's a small war after all! D E F#m It's a small war after all! D D# F#m It's a small war after all! D E F#m It is the last world war!!!
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