
Павел Кашин — аккорды и текст песни Messenger on fire

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Messenger on fire
Crying but aflame
What are you inspired with?
And what's your final aim.
So tell me why your eyes are glowing
With a yet unknown shine
Why are they riveted
On mine?

Messenger on fire
Is there any use?
In speeches so inspired,
In their carrying so much truth
For men why are your seething words
Disquieting my sleep
Why do they sink in me
So deep?

Messenger on fire
Please, tell me why your glowing word
Seeks to forge my tired heart
Into a pointed sword.
To finding me a hero
To lighting me a flame
I've to tell you, hear me, dear
I've been throught much the same

Messenger on fire
I've wandered in a quest
Crying with desire
To be a model for the rest
Convincing my beloved
That there was justice in the fight
I thought there was no darkness
In the light

Messenger on fire
Take your sacred scroll
Gallop to your sire
Tell him straight that all
I want is so quiet for my people
When nothing can be done
To give them their moment
In the sun

Messenger on fire
Rent you scroll apart
Wild in desire
Humble in the heart
I didn't want to be a novel
Where all would perish in the end
Not knowing that the vessel
Was unmanned

Messenger, I fear
Your efforts were in vain
I promised to my dear
Not to cause or suffer pain.
I promised if there is a cause to fight
To nip it in the bud
I promised not to taint
My faith with blood