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Hm We took with bare hands a glowing thread And angels-errant taught us love Em And led us throught the world, F# Burdened with two thousand years Hm Our endless winters made us men The ocean waters made us brave Em F# We thought back then that, hey Hm We were gonna live forever Припев: D We knew the wind was our best friend Adim7 We knew our crew would never land Em We sailed around the earth, Em6 F# and every man would lend us his sword Hm We knew our inward glowing thread Would teach us love, and wouldn't let us Em F# Hm Forget that, hey we were gonna live forever We spurred our horses, winged and light We breathed the moonlight on the night The light that takes away the burden of Two thousand years We khew for certain where starts The holy river in our hearts We knew back then that, hey, We were gonna live forever Припев