
Аквариум — аккорды и текст песни Promises Of Eden

Аккорды и текст песни "Promises Of Eden" (Аквариум). Проверенные аккорды для гитары. Аппликатуры всех аккордов композиции. Возможность играть в любой тональности.

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G      D                C  G
We've set our sails on sunrise -
Em    Am         C        Em
Just like the scriptures say;
G          C                      G            Em
They have said they're building heaven, so it could
H                C
Be awkward, if we stay;
And the watchmen in their towers
Am                      C
Somehow have failed to see, how
G          D
We dance away,
G         C
We sail away
G            D           Am
From their promises of Еden.

We hail Ye, Pretty Maidens;
And Ye, Weary Travellers - Hail!
Rest in peace, for there's no science that can unfold
The mysteries of our sails.
And while their wise men ponder
New ways to set us free -
We dance away,
We smile away
From their promises of Еden.

Some say this ship is crazy;
Some say this ship is iost.
But the Lady Fair, who's keeping us afloat,
Is still fairer than the most.
And while the full moon wanders
Above this ageless sea -
We dance away,
We smile away
From their promises of Еden.